American High School (2009)
"American High School," a romantic comedy, is centered on two people who marry young and contend with the consequences of "bad" actions. Moreover, it is a story about a young, frightened girl, Gwen Adams who tries to break away from her father, find peace with her husband, and find peace within. In a world that expects everything from her, being herself was the last thing on her mind. When pushed to the breaking point, she discovers her own self-worth. But is it too late?
Rated R for pervasive strong crude and sexual content, non-stop language, some nudity and drug material.
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Jillian Murray | ... | Gwen Adams | |
Talan Torriero | ... | Holden Adams | |
Aubrey O'Day | ... | Hilary Weiss | |
Martin Klebba | ... | Principal Mann | |
Nikki Schieler Ziering | ... | Miss Apple (as Nikki Ziering) | |
Brian Drolet | ... | Jonny Awesome | |
Hoyt Richards | ... | Kip Dick | |
Pat Jankiewicz | ... | Mr Seuss | |
James E. Foley | ... | Matt Mysterio | |
Alex Murrel | ... | Dixie | |
Davida Williams | ... | Trixie | |
Madison Dylan | ... | Candi | |
Cameron Goodman | ... | Jo Awesome | |
Scotty Kyle | ... | Doogie | |
Ashley Morey | ... | Alice |
American High School DVD
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